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  • 英国 Delta-controls  700系列 温度开关/721
    英国 Delta-controls 700系列 温度开关/721

    英国 Delta-controls 700系列 温度开关/721 The model 721 Gas Filled Temperature Switch has a flexible thermal system and is suitable for setpoints between -50°C and 300°C with maximum working temperatures up

  • 英国 Delta-controls  防爆温度开关/S71
    英国 Delta-controls 防爆温度开关/S71

    英国 Delta-controls 防爆温度开关/S71 S71 TEMPERATURE SWITCHES Industrial Series Weatherproof / Ex d

  • 英国 Delta-controls  Sentry系列 防爆温度开关/HT02
    英国 Delta-controls Sentry系列 防爆温度开关/HT02

    英国 Delta-controls Sentry系列 防爆温度开关/HT02 Screwed lid and integral terminal block A screwed lid gives users quick access for connecting to the integral terminal block or for set-point adjustment.

  • 英国 Delta-controls  Sentry系列 防爆温度开关/HT01
    英国 Delta-controls Sentry系列 防爆温度开关/HT01

    英国 Delta-controls Sentry系列 防爆温度开关/HT01 Screwed lid and integral terminal block A screwed lid gives users quick access for connecting to the integral terminal block or for set-point adjustment.

  • 英国 Delta-controls  Sebtry系列 温度开关/T02
    英国 Delta-controls Sebtry系列 温度开关/T02

    英国 Delta-controls Sebtry系列 温度开关/T02 Hinged lid A unique hinged lid gives users access to the contact terminals and set-point adjuster quickly and simply via a single captive screw

  • 英国 Delta-controls  Sebtry系列 温度开关/T01
    英国 Delta-controls Sebtry系列 温度开关/T01

    英国 Delta-controls Sebtry系列 温度开关/T01 Hinged lid A unique hinged lid gives users access to the contact terminals and set-point adjuster quickly and simply via a single captive screw

  • 英国 Delta-controls  膜片式差压开关 386
    英国 Delta-controls 膜片式差压开关 386

    英国 Delta-controls 膜片式差压开关 386 The model 386 Differential Presure Switch is suitable for setpoints between -12.5mbar and 4bar with maximum working pressures up to 15bar

  • 英国 Delta-controls  膜片差压开关 S34
    英国 Delta-controls 膜片差压开关 S34

    英国 Delta-controls 膜片差压开关 S34 The model S34 Differential Pressure Switch is suitable for setpoints between 6mbar and 10bar with maximum working pressures up to 250 bar

  • 英国 Delta-controls  膜片差压开关 S31
    英国 Delta-controls 膜片差压开关 S31

    英国 Delta-controls 膜片差压开关 S31 The model S31 Differential Pressure Switch is suitable for setpoints between -12.5mbar and 10bar with maximum working pressures up to 110 bar

  • 英国 Delta-controls  膜片式差压开关 316
    英国 Delta-controls 膜片式差压开关 316

    英国 Delta-controls 膜片式差压开关 316 The model 316 Differential Presure Switch is suitable for setpoints between -2.5mbar and 75mbar with maximum working pressures from -500mbar to +500mbar

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