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英国 Delta-controls 膜片差压开关 S34

  • 产品型号:
  • 更新时间:2024-06-25

简要描述:英国 Delta-controls 膜片差压开关 S34
The model S34 Differential Pressure Switch is suitable for setpoints between 6mbar and 10bar with maximum working pressures up to 250 bar


英国 Delta-controls 膜片式差压开关 S34



Industrial Series

250bar Pmax

The model S34 Differential Pressure Switch is suitable for setpoints between 6mbar and 10bar with maximum working pressures up to 250 bar

  1.  Better than 1% set-point repeatability
    Users can expect a set-point repeatability performance better than 1% on all configurations with some configurations being significantly better
  2.  Extensive range of approvals
    The Industrial Series switches are available with wide range of different approvals including European and North American Hazardous Area approvals
  3.  Safety
    All Industrial Series models come with a safety vent to prevent the enclosure becoming pressurized in the event that the sensor is inadvertently damaged by excessive pressure. In addition, all models have been certified for use in safety systems up to and including SIL 2.
  5. Operational instructions

  6. IOM-S30.pdf
  7. NEC 500 Intrinsic Safety
  8. GPN Permit (Belarus
  9. ATEX Ex d
  10. ATEX Ex ia
  11. SIL 2
  12. NEC 500 Explosionproof
  13. Approvals

    Technical datasheet

  14. TDS-S30.pdf
  16. Technical advice 
  17. Installation support 
  18. Recalibration 
  19. Local support 
  20. Instrumentation repairs 
  21. Spare parts

The Industrial Series switches were developed in the mid-1990's to offer customers a robust range of switches suitable for applications where requirements were more standard than those for which the highly configurable Performance Series switches were designed.

Using diaphragm based sensors and a more traditional in-line force balance mechanism to transfer movement from the sensor to the microswitch, these switches are suitable for a wide range of industrial applications. Various international approvals make the Industrial Series suitable for use in both safe and Hazardous Areas in Europe, North America and throughout the world.

With the recent launch of the Sentry Series, these Industrial models are now recommended mainly for aftermarket applications where a like for like replacement is needed.

  • Epoxy coated aluminium or stainless steel housings approved to IP66 and NEMA 4X
  • SPDT and DPDT switch contacts with environmentally and hermetically sealed options
  • Stainless steel wetted parts as standard
  • Better than 1% set-point repeatability
  • Pressure ranges from 6mbar to 10 bar 
  • Pmax up to 250 bar depending on range


  • This is the introduction of the Delta-controls  model S34  Pressure Switch  ,if you are interesting in it ,please contact us.


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