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  • 英国 Delta-controls 膜片压力开关 VM4
    英国 Delta-controls 膜片压力开关 VM4

    英国 Delta-controls 膜片压力开关 VM4 The model VM Pressure Switch is suitable for setpoints between 0 and 700 bar with maximum working pressures up to 1000bar

  • 英国 Delta-controls 膜片压力开关 VM2
    英国 Delta-controls 膜片压力开关 VM2

    英国 Delta-controls 膜片压力开关 VM2 The model VM Pressure Switch is suitable for setpoints between 0 and 700 bar with maximum working pressures up to 1000bar

  • 英国 Delta-controls  GR系列 膜片压力开关 GR4
    英国 Delta-controls GR系列 膜片压力开关 GR4

    英国 Delta-controls GR系列 膜片压力开关 GR4 Compact switch range designed for installing in tight spaces such as those found in panel applications.

  • 英国 Delta-controls  GR系列 膜片压力开关 GR2
    英国 Delta-controls GR系列 膜片压力开关 GR2

    英国 Delta-controls GR系列 膜片压力开关 GR2 Compact switch range designed for installing in tight spaces such as those found in panel applications.

  • 英国 Delta-controls  膜片压力开关 S24
    英国 Delta-controls 膜片压力开关 S24

    英国 Delta-controls 膜片压力开关 S24 The model S24 Pressure Switch is suitable for setpoints between 0.4bar and 700 bar with maximum working pressures up to 1000 bar.

  • 英国 Delta-controls  膜片压力开关 S22
    英国 Delta-controls 膜片压力开关 S22

    英国 Delta-controls 膜片压力开关 S22 The model S22 Pressure Switch is suitable for setpoints between -1bar and 100 bar with maximum working pressures up to 155 bar.

  • 英国 Delta-controls  膜片压力开关 S21
    英国 Delta-controls 膜片压力开关 S21

    英国 Delta-controls 膜片压力开关 S21 The model S21 Pressure Switch is suitable for setpoints between -1bar and 100 bar with maximum working pressures up to 155 bar.

  • 英国 Delta-controls 200系列 膜片压力开关 209
    英国 Delta-controls 200系列 膜片压力开关 209

    英国 Delta-controls 200系列 膜片压力开关 209 The model 209 Pressure Switch is suitable for setpoints between -1bar and 15bar with maximum working pressures up to 20bar.

  • 英国 Delta-controls 200系列 膜片压力开关 208
    英国 Delta-controls 200系列 膜片压力开关 208

    英国 Delta-controls 200系列 膜片压力开关 208 The model 208 Pressure Switch is suitable for setpoints between -1bar and 15bar with maximum working pressures limited by the flange rating.

  • 英国 Delta-controls 200系列 膜片压力开关 204
    英国 Delta-controls 200系列 膜片压力开关 204

    英国 Delta-controls 200系列 膜片压力开关 204 The model 204 Pressure Switch is suitable for setpoints between -1bar and 15bar with maximum working pressures up to 206bar.

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