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英国 Delta-controls 700系列 温度开关/732

  • 产品型号:
  • 更新时间:2024-06-25

简要描述:英国 Delta-controls 700系列 温度开关/732
The model 732 Vapour Pressure Temperature Switch has a rigid stem thermal system and is suitable for setpoints between -50°C and 120°C with maximum working temperatu


英国 Delta-controls 700系列 温度开关/732




  1.  Better than 1% set-point repeatability
    Users can expect a set-point repeatability performance better than 1% on all configurations with some configurations being significantly better
  2.  Extensive range of options
    The Performance Series switches are available with an extensive range of materials, process connections, switch types, electrical entries, etc and offer customers many millions of different possible configurations.
  3.  More than 35 years experience in the field
    Installed in a wide range of applications from nuclear power plants to offshore oil rigs, the Performance Series’ long experience in the field offers customers the reassurance that they can be relied upon to survive the test of time in the harshest environments.
  5. Operational instructions

  6. IOM-700.pdf
  7. Technical datasheet

  8. TDS-700.pdf
  9. ATEX Ex d
  10. IECEx Ex d
  11. GPN Permit (Belarus)
  12. Approvals

  15. Technical advice 
  16. Installation support 
  17. Recalibration 
  18. Local support 
  19. Instrumentation repairs 
  20. Spare parts
  23. Designed in the mid-1970s and developed over subsequent years, the Performance Series switch range offers users the broadest range of options, the highest levels of set-point repeatability and the confidence of long term performance that a mature product such as this can prove.

    The model 732 Performance Series Vapour Pressure Temperature Switches comprise of a rigid stem thermal system upon which a compression gland slides to enable various depths of thermowell (pocket) to be accomodated. This sensor is coupled to the microswitch via a precision stainless steel mechanism, the combination of which helps deliver the market leading performance customers can expect from the Series.

Ranges available up to 120°C Weatherproof IP66 enclosures in zinc alloy or stainless steel ATEX and IECEx Ex d Flameproof models available Environmentally and Hermetically sealed switch options Set-point adjustable over the full range against a calibrated scale with tamperproof adjuster

  • This is the introduction of the Delta-controls  model 732  Pressure Switch  ,if you are interesting in it ,please contact us.




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